How to Study Web Development – 19 Tips For Success

You have taken a crucial step. You decided to enter into the world of web development. You can do a lot of research online and find that web development is definitely worth it. I want to provide you with valuable tips on how to study web development.

How to Study Web Development - hero

Back in 2016, a friend told me about web programming and what he was studying. He said that I should check it out and do a free trial. So I took the risk because life so far has been rocky and threw me some curveballs. Many people can relate to this experience. I found out that I enjoyed web development. If you are reading this, you’re probably thinking, why in the world would you want to study web development? It takes a certain kind of mind to go into this field.

Let me tell you firsthand that it doesn’t take a Math genius to have a chance in the lucrative field of web development. The highest Math I completed was only Algebra 2. You don’t need to know complicated Math formulas. One little secret that I have found is that any kind of web developer GOOGLES the information. Yes, you can look stuff up and won’t get an “F”

I started studying online through Udemy and Coursera, and I took the follow-along projects that were recommended. I began to gain a better understanding of web development.

I won’t bore you with the details here, and thank you so much for letting me share a little bit about my online learning journey. I just shared the story because I wanted to let you know that I relate to what you are going through. I have discovered a lot of tips about learning online that I want to share with you. With the rising costs of college, it is way more efficient to learn online. A lot cheaper and more convenient. You can study anywhere.

Table of Contents

Studying Tips

1. Different Expectations and Mindset. By this, you have to expect that online education is far further from traditional learning in person. It is essential to be extremely dedicated. It would be great to get rid of distractions, which is hard to do, I know. With social media and games, we start to be a culture with a low attention span.

If you have questions about your online learning, it’s essential to ask in your chosen learning platform’s forum. Since there is no teacher in person, there is no one going to hold your hand and tell you what is due and keep you accountable.

It would help if you mastered the art of self-discipline. If you need help with that, there are probably many self-discipline books you can find at the library or on Amazon. I have read the seven habits of highly effective people by Stephen Covey, which helps you get excellent skills to increase your effectiveness. You can most likely find this book in your library.

2. Master Time Management. Before your online class starts, look at the syllabus and note any significant assignments that are due and be sure to put them in your daily calendar, so you don’t forget. Set a reminder in your calendar program on your computer to do this.

Be sure to take intermittent breaks so you don’t burn out on what you were studying.

How to Study Web Development - Article

Take 30-minute breaks, set a timer on your phone, or find a timer online. Usually, taking a break will give your brain much-needed rest for a while to figure out a problem if you are stuck. That is what I did multiple times, and I will tell you, it works big time.

3. Dedicate a Specific Area for Studying. Remember before when I said to remove distractions? Rent a room at the library, go to a secluded room in your house where you don’t have any temptation so that you can dedicate that time to learning. This will undoubtedly get you into learning mode. Make this a routine.

4. Master Your Schedule. This could be a subsection of time management. Create a daily schedule. Setting aside a certain amount of time you will dedicate to each task you have to do that day will set you up for success. You know yourself best and what time of day works best for you. I needed to make time to review and put in practice the things I studied the previous day, which will undoubtedly help you.

5. Utilize Software. Did you know your computer has built-in dictation software so that you don’t have to write all the time? Yep, there are different commands to utilize this whether you are on Windows or Mac. This certainly helps if you are a slow writer like me.

How awesome is it when you can type what you speak on your computer? It is mind-blowing. There are some errors in the dictation, though, that might require some more editing on your part. However, there is software, Dragon Dictate, that can learn your speech patterns so that your writing is less error-prone. The software can usually go 150 WPMs (Words Per Minute), which is almost double my current speed.

Just know that the new releases of the Dragon Dictate software are only for Windows. They dropped the Mac support 🙁 This is because Windows is inferior, so it needs the most help it can get… LOL. Mac lovers will love me for saying that. You can buy older versions of Dragon for Mac online.

6. Interactive Learning Platforms: Utilize platforms like Codecademy, freeCodeCamp, and LeetCode that offer interactive coding exercises. These platforms provide immediate feedback and are excellent for hands-on learning and reinforcing concepts.

7. Project-Based Learning: Engage in project-based learning as early and often as possible. Building projects, from simple websites to more complex applications, helps solidify understanding, apply concepts in real-world scenarios, and build a portfolio that showcases your skills.

8. Understand Core Concepts Deeply: Focus on understanding the core concepts of web development deeply, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and how the web works. A strong foundation in these areas is crucial for tackling more advanced topics and technologies.

9. Follow Structured Curriculums: Follow a structured curriculum or roadmap for web development to ensure you’re covering all necessary topics in a logical progression. Many free resources online provide such roadmaps, guiding learners from beginner to advanced levels.

10. Code Every Day: Practice coding daily, even if it’s just for a short period. Consistency is key in programming. Regular practice helps reinforce what you’ve learned and keeps your skills sharp.

11. Use Developer Tools: Familiarize yourself with developer tools available in web browsers (like Chrome DevTools). These tools can help debug issues, understand how web pages are constructed, and improve your coding efficiency.

12. Learn Version Control: Learn to use version control systems like Git. Version control is essential for managing code changes, collaborating with others, and contributing to open-source projects.

13. Participate in Coding Challenges: Engage in coding challenges and hackathons. Websites like HackerRank and CodeSignal offer challenges that can improve your problem-solving skills and coding efficiency.

14. Read Documentation and Code: Develop the habit of reading documentation and understanding code from open-source projects. This practice can help you learn best practices, discover new techniques, and understand how professional developers structure their code.

15. Seek Feedback and Collaborate: Don’t learn in isolation. Seek feedback on your projects from more experienced developers, and collaborate on projects when possible. Collaboration introduces new perspectives and can significantly accelerate your learning process.

16. Stay Curious and Updated: The web development field is constantly evolving, with new tools, frameworks, and best practices emerging regularly. Stay curious, follow web development news, and be open to learning new technologies as they arise.

17. Know Your Learning Style. If you are a visual learner, make graphs, tables, charts, or notes. Evernote, a note-taking software, can help you. Brainscape, which is an online flashcard app, is a great way to quiz yourself.

You can search for these online, and it’s FREE up to a certain extent. If you are an auditory learner, rewind the lecture and listen to it until you understand fully. Seek out supplementary Youtube videos if you can’t fully grasp the concept.

18. Should I Take Notes? One of the things I hated about high school is that the teacher made me take notes. I do not like taking notes, because I wrote slowly. When I tried to take notes, I missed a lot of information that the teacher said. Fortunately, with online learning, everything is recorded, and we can rewatch it at our own convenience. If you learn best by taking notes, you can pause and write stuff down and rewatch the information. This is a major benefit of online learning that trumps traditional learning right on the ‘ole keyster.

19. Sleep. This is underrated nowadays. Many people are proud of their lack of sleep. When you get better sleep and are well-rested, you perform better. If you are studying, writing, or working, you should try to get the best sleep you can.

One of my friends almost got into a big car accident from lack of sleep. I have heard of other people that have died from falling asleep while driving. So, what I’m trying to say is that you are on a slippery slope if you think that sleep is overrated.

Adults 24 to 64 need an average of 7-9 hours of sleep. Make a bedtime ritual so you can sleep. I take some Melatonin to help me sleep. Do you exercise? Incorporating that into your routine can also help you sleep. Anything else that enables you to sleep?

Incorporating these tips into your study routine can enhance your learning experience, making it more engaging, efficient, and effective.


All these techniques I mentioned are valuable tools that can help when you study web development or any other field.

You finally have the tools to effectively study and start a great career. Now it is time to learn and take some online courses. Don’t worry. I will show you how.

Thank you for reading my post. Leave your comments below to participate in this engaging community. Be sure to sign up to receive updates of more incredible articles.

I have some questions I would like you to answer.

1. Did this information help you? How?

2. How do you learn best?

I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you next time.

9 thoughts on “How to Study Web Development – 19 Tips For Success”

  1. Hey Jordan, 

    Your article “19 Tips For Success on How to Study Web Development” provides valuable guidance to web development professionals. The advice given is practical and relatable, with a personal tone and anecdotes that help to make it more accessible. The guidance emphasizes self-discipline, time management, and active engagement with learning materials and communities. These tips highlight the importance of a structured and self-motivated approach to learning web development, which is essential given the vastness of the field and the self-directed nature of most online learning platforms. Overall, this article does an excellent job of demystifying the learning process and providing readers with actionable steps to succeed.

  2. Hi Jordan,
    Your journey from algebra to web dev guru is inspiring. I particularly enjoyed the bit about the power of Googling – it’s like the secret sauce we all share but never talk about, isn’t it?
    Your tips are practical and grounded in real experience, which I appreciate. It’s refreshing to see advice that goes beyond the usual ‘just code every day’ mantra. Your suggestions on time management and creating a dedicated study space are spot on. But, I’m curious about one thing: among the many tools and practices you’ve recommended, which one would you say has had the single biggest impact on your learning efficiency?
    Thank you for your work and sharing these insights!

    Warm regards,

  3. I like the tips that you suggested like get 7 to 9 hours of sleep , take a quiet place in your house to learn ,my best learning’s very early in the morning in quietness of the night and free from distractions.  I can relate to you when taking notes in class I was slow in writing. I like the idea of online courses to study in your own time and take notes in recordings.

  4. Your blog post on studying web development is a fantastic resource for beginners like myself. I appreciate the practical tips you provided, especially the emphasis on hands-on practice and building real projects. Have you found any specific online courses or tutorials particularly helpful in your own journey as a web developer? I’m currently exploring various resources and would love to hear your recommendations.

    Your advice on staying consistent and embracing the learning process resonated with me. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed with the vast amount of information in web development, but taking it step by step is key. I’ve personally found that breaking down larger concepts into smaller, manageable tasks helps me stay focused and motivated. How do you suggest balancing theory with practical application when studying web development? Your insights would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for sharing your expertise!

    • I would say the best udemy course I have taken is React, The Complete Guide by Maximilian Schwarzmüller

      Balancing theory with practical skills is about doing projects. There are many project follow-throughs you can find on udemy and youtube.

  5. Thank you for sharing these valuable tips for studying web development! Your insights and personal experiences make these suggestions incredibly relatable and actionable. I particularly relate to the googling aspect of things. I mean where would we be without Google today? My personal experience on websites comes from attempts to create funnels, an e-commerce store and blogging. In all of these, I always got stuck with the coding aspects of dealing with web development. Luckily today we now have AI and a few good questions or prompts can assist me if I need to get into adjusting some code. I also appreciate the guidance you gave to a couple of tools I haven’t used. i.e. Dragon Dictate, Code Academy and Free Code Camp. 
    I’m curious, do you have any specific project-based learning experiences that have significantly contributed to your growth as a web developer? 

    Your guidance will undoubtedly be beneficial for aspiring web developers looking to embark on their learning journey. Keep up the fantastic work!

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