How To Get A Job In Software Development – Secret Revealed?

Are you looking to change careers into software development? Maybe you want to be a software developer and don’t know where to start. What language should I learn? It is so easy to get overwhelmed as you seek to begin a career in software development. If you don’t know how to get a job in software development, you have come to the right place.

Software Development is a very lucrative field. But, many people go into that field just for the money and not for the passion. Don’t be that guy or girl (I don’t want to be accused of misogyny). Hopefully, you do it because you love being creative and solving problems.

I have talked to career coaches and software mentors and found that networking is even as and maybe more important in addition to an application to a company.


Have you found job postings as a software developer that require ten years of experience for entry-level? What about five years’ experience with a technology that is only two years old.

I had a friend that applied for a job requiring ten years of Kotlin experience when it was only two years old. Crazy, right?

Never underestimate the power of networking. Have you ever heard the phrase, ‘sometimes it’s not what you know, it’s who you know? Networking has helped a lot of people secure a future position. But, how do I network?

Eighty-seven percent of recruiters use LinkedIn to find candidates, so it makes sense that using their preferred platform would drastically increase your chances of a software development job.


I suggest you use LinkedIn to apply for jobs. Since LinkedIn is the leading professional network, you need to have it. They have a great filter function that can be an excellent benefit for you.


Filter By The Past 24 Hours

I would suggest that you filter by the past 24 hours or a week. Employers are most likely to look at your application if you are one of the first people to apply for the job. I have used this approach and have been able to be the first person to apply.

Why Does This Approach Work?

I’ve been told by a senior software developer involved in the hiring process that within the early stages of a job posting if an employer likes an early applicant, they don’t bother much with later applicants. That is why you need to apply early within the first week or 24 hours.

Utilize LinkedIn to Apply with the Companies Website

Do you hit the LinkedIn easy apply button without even thinking? While you should probably think twice. You can go right to a companies page via their LinkedIn post. Just click on the company logo in the listing, and you will go to their LinkedIn page that has a link to their website.

It is better to apply directly to a company through their website rather than a LinkedIn posting. The LinkedIn posting is just a way to let you know that the job is open.

There are fantastic benefits to applying directly through a company’s website. You can research more about the company and make a well-informed decision. If you have an interview at the company, you are better prepared because you know more about it.

Utilize Messaging After the Application

After you apply for a job on LinkedIn, search for the companies’ engineering manager or senior developer in the software industry by utilizing Google. How do we do this? Here is a little trick.


Use this trick whenever you are applying for jobs so that you know how to reach out to.

After you have found the person that you are wanting to contact, go to to find emails domains.

How to Get a Job in Software Development - Hunter

Usually, the most common patterns are:

Once you have found the contacts email an important person or two at the company. Utilizing this approach can help you bypass the ATS (Applicant Tracking System).

If you need help with how to format your message, this article on LinkedIn can help you.


Almost anyone you talk to about a tech career will tell you that it’s essential to surround yourself with like-minded people. One great way to do that is by going to a meet-up.

For example, I live near Ann Arbor, Michigan. It’s a pretty decent size tech hub. And it’s also the outskirts of Metro Detroit, which is even more significant. I have gone to many tech meet-ups, where you work on side projects, and you can meet interesting people who can give you advice and direct you to openings.

Many people go to these meet-ups for software engineering that are looking for jobs. Well, let me tell you a better alternative.

How Marketing Meetups Increase Your Chances of Getting a Software Development Job

You wouldn’t think that going to marketing meetups would help, so I was shocked when I heard this.

A mentor of mine gave me this piece of advice that I think is great. He said that even though you go to software meetups which is good to increase your skills, to get a job, you should also go to marketing meet-ups because there is a lot less competition of software developers at those meet-ups, you may be the only one.

Next Steps

Thank you for reading my blog. I hope you found it really useful. If you utilize the steps I told you about above, you will increase your chances of getting a job.

If you don’t utilize LinkedIn, then you need to start. I have gotten a job lead from LinkedIn, and I am sure there are countless others. New research from LinkedIn has indicated that 85% of jobs are filled by networking, and many jobs are not posted. Networking is your way around that.

So, take the next steps and sign up for LinkedIn and utilize LinkedIn Jobs.

Share this with all your friends looking for a job in tech. Here is another article that talks about other ways to get a started as a software developer.

Now, I would like to hear from you:

  1. What has your job search been like?
  2. What other ways can you utilize networking in your search?
  3. Do you use LinkedIn?

9 thoughts on “How To Get A Job In Software Development – Secret Revealed?”

  1. Hey Jordan,
    Thanks for the great article on getting a job as a software developer.  I agree that LinkedIn is an essential tool, both in your own profile and as I learned from your article with some great tips on how to find companies and job openings.
    I didn’t realise it would be better to apply direct to the company and the hiring software manager than via LinkedIn easy apply but it makes complete sense and your article show really valuable insights into how to do this.

    Meetups also seems to be a great idea get your foot in the door with a local employer.  I guess once you have experience as a software developer you can apply for the remote jobs that must also be on offer in the industry.  With remote jobs does that then introduce too much competition from cheaper labour from India and developing countries on places like Fiverr, Upwork and Freelancing websites?

    • I have tried freelancing websites like that and I just haven’t been able to make sites like that at work. I think there might be too much competition freelance sites.

  2. Hey Jordan,

    Your article on getting a job in software development is insightful and provides practical tips. I appreciate your emphasis on the importance of networking, especially through platforms like LinkedIn. The idea of applying directly to a company’s website for better preparation and understanding is a valuable suggestion. I hadn’t considered the potential advantages of attending marketing meetups for reduced competition. As someone aspiring to enter the software development field, I wonder if you have specific advice for individuals transitioning from other careers. How can they effectively showcase transferable skills on platforms like LinkedIn? Additionally, do you have any thoughts on the evolving role of remote work and its impact on job competition?

    Thanks for sharing your expertise!


    • Hey Kyle,

      Thanks for your kind words! For those transitioning from other careers, highlighting transferable skills on LinkedIn is crucial. Focus on problem-solving, project management, and teamwork skills in your summary and experience sections. Tailor your profile to reflect the software development industry by including relevant projects or courses.

      Regarding remote work, it’s indeed changing the landscape. It opens more opportunities but also increases competition globally. Emphasize your adaptability, communication skills, and self-discipline to stand out. Networking and building an online presence through contributions to open-source projects or technical blogging can also make a significant difference.

      Best of luck on your journey!

  3. Great insights on navigating the software development job market, Jordan! I particularly appreciate your emphasis on networking and leveraging platforms like LinkedIn. Your tip about filtering job postings by the past 24 hours is clever – being an early applicant can indeed make a difference.

    I’m curious, have you personally found success with reaching out directly to company contacts after applying? It seems like a proactive approach, but I wonder how often it leads to meaningful connections.

    Also, the idea of attending marketing meetups for job opportunities is intriguing. Have you tried this yourself, and if so, did it result in any promising leads?

    Thanks for sharing your tips and experiences! Looking forward to hearing more insights.

    • I have received some when I have emailed employers in the field. However, I have made the mistake of making the email too long. I was told that by a tech recruiter.

      If you emailed someone you need to make it quick and to the point and not multiple paragraphs. So a small cover letter would be great that’s to the poinA senior developer friend of mine said that attending marketing meet up with theoretically work, however, I have not done it just because I am working when they are meeting

  4. Hey Jordan, 

    I understand your insights about securing a software development job, particularly the importance of networking and using LinkedIn strategically. These tips serve as a fresh reminder that in today’s job market, who you know is just as important as what you know. The advice on filtering job postings and contacting companies directly underscores the significance of a proactive job search approach. However, I’m curious about how to balance developing technical skills and cultivating a network. Additionally, while attending marketing meetups as a software developer is a novel and potentially game-changing idea, it could divert attention away from honing technical skills. This approach does suggest that versatility and open-mindedness can be as important as technological proficiency in a tech career.

  5. Your blog post on getting a job in software development is incredibly insightful. The secrets you’ve revealed are practical and seem like they could make a significant difference in one’s job search process. I particularly resonated with your emphasis on building a strong portfolio and networking within the industry. Have you found any specific networking events or online communities particularly beneficial in your own job search journey?

    Additionally, your advice on continuous learning and staying updated with industry trends is spot on. In such a rapidly evolving field, adaptability and a thirst for knowledge are crucial. I’ve personally found that online courses and coding bootcamps have been immensely helpful in honing my skills. How do you suggest balancing learning new technologies with job searching? Thank you for sharing these valuable insights!

    • You can find event related to tech on

      As far as the second question, come up with a number of hours a week you want to dedicate to each and stick with it


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