How to Learn Full Stack Web Development Online

Are you looking for a career change? Maybe you want to start a career in full-stack web development and don’t know how to get started. As we enter 2023 and beyond, online learning will continue to grow. According to Forbes, “It’s a fact online learning is the future and will undoubtedly replace land-based learning in the future“. Before you spend thousands of dollars that you don’t have at a university, give online learning a try in the ever-growing tech field. If you want to learn full stack software development online, you have come to the right place.

There are a lot of computer languages you can pick. But, some necessary tools and languages give web development its power. What are they? I just wanted to tell you.

Come join me and discover How To Learn Full Stack Web Development Online.


The building blocks of the web is HTML. This is not really a programming language, but a markup language. The newest version of HTML is known as HTML5. One of the biggest benefits is the use of semantic tags.

What do I mean by semantic tags? Semantic tags help you describe the kind of content you put on your website. Using semantic tags can also segment your website and have a benefit on SEO.

HTML5, the latest evolution, introduces semantic elements like <article>, <section>, <nav>, and <footer>, which define the structure of web content more meaning. For instance, using the <nav> element for navigation links not only improves SEO but also enhances the user’s navigational experience.


CSS gives your website style. By style, I mean color and how the HTML is laid out on your page. It would be boring if a website had no CSS.

I downloaded a particular extension to turn off CSS on a website, and the result of how the website looks is pretty ugly.

How To Learn Full Stack Web Development Online - Wikipedia

Without CSS, it is hard to know where to navigate on the site. CSS is essential. Turning off CSS is something I would not recommend.


Javascript makes your website pop. Some websites do not have Javascript and work fine, but if you have interactive elements, you need Javascript.

Here is a little side note if you are wondering. Javascript is more of a scripting language than a programming langue. A programming language is compiled, and a scripting language is interpreted. A compiler is a tool that translates the programming language into machine code. Javascript is interpreted by the interpreter and then executed.

Without Javascript, you would not be able to view videos, or some images would not be able to load.

On my computer, I disabled Javascript and then went to Youtube. Nothing loaded.

How To Learn Full Stack Web Development Online - Youtube

Imagine the web without videos or any other dynamic elements. Pretty dull.

Pick a Framework

A framework is like a wrapper for HTML, CSS, and JS. They provide templates and components for making web applications drastically easier to write compared to vanilla javascript, which is just using javascript for writing web applications without frameworks. There are three popular frameworks to choose from: Angular, Vue, and React.

  • Angular offers a comprehensive solution with a strong backing by Google, ideal for enterprise-level applications.
  • Vue is renowned for its simplicity and flexibility, making it suitable for projects of any scale.
  • React, a library for building user interfaces, stands out for its vast ecosystem and the ability to create highly dynamic web apps.

What one do you pick? Each one has there pros and cons. However, I prefer React, which is more of a library and framework. A library is more lightweight than a framework and doesn’t have as many features and add-ons. Because of this, React is a lot more customizable.

Backend Development: The Engine Room

Exploring backend technologies such as Node.js, Flask, and Django opens up a realm of possibilities for storing, processing, and managing data. Each technology caters to different needs:

  • Node.js enables real-time data processing and is ideal for applications requiring instant data updates, like chat apps.
  • Flask and Django offer Python-based frameworks for building robust web applications, with Django providing a more batteries-included approach.

Embarking on Your Learning Journey

Inspirational success stories abound within the online learning community, showcasing individuals who’ve transitioned to thriving careers in full-stack development. These narratives not only motivate but also demystify the path from novice to professional.

Practical Steps Forward:

  1. Begin with Basics: Start your journey with HTML and CSS, progressing to JavaScript and its frameworks.
  2. Choose a Specialization: Dive into backend development with a focus on Node.js or Python frameworks.
  3. Build Real-World Projects: Apply your knowledge by creating projects, such as a personal portfolio website or a small social media platform.

Curated Resources:

  • Online Courses: Platforms like Coursera and Udemy offer comprehensive courses in web development, from beginner to advanced levels.
  • Community and Support: Engage with developer communities on platforms like Stack Overflow, GitHub, and freeCodeCamp for guidance and inspiration.

Next Steps

I hope you are now ready to embark on this adventure. Now it is time to learn full-stack web development online. Learning online can be challenging, but I have assembled some tips to help you study. However there are platforms that follow a linear progression model and guide you through a curriculum that can assist you in getting job ready.

After taking a few courses, update your resume and cover letter to tailor them to the job you are applying to.

Thank you for reading my post. Leave your comments below to participate in this engaging community. Be sure to sign up to receive updates of more incredible articles.

9 thoughts on “How to Learn Full Stack Web Development Online”

  1. The article offers a concise roadmap for learning full-stack web development online, breaking down the process into manageable steps and recommending practical projects. 

    It provides a helpful list of platforms and courses, aiding beginners in making informed choices. However, it could further discuss strategies for staying motivated and the importance of community support. 

    What methods do you use to stay motivated during online learning?

  2. Hey Jordan,
    Big thanks for that super helpful guide on getting into full-stack web development! The way you laid out everything from the very basics of HTML all the way to choosing frameworks and jumping into backend stuff really helped make sense of it all. I really valued how you combined technical tips with actionable steps, and how you stressed the importance of tackling real projects. Just a quick thing I’m curious about: out of all the frameworks you talked about, do you have a fav project you’ve tackled using React? Hearing about your own adventures could really spark some ideas for us.
    Thanks a bunch for sharing your knowledge!
    Warm regards,

  3. I was extremely interested in your website and informative articles. I do not have time at the moment to learn coding but it is useful for me to be able to refer to your website as a point of reference in case I ever need to learn coding and javascript. Thank you for the great information.

  4. As someone who is considering a career change into the tech field, the breakdown of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as the discussion on frameworks like React and backend technologies like Node.js, was very helpful. I appreciate the author’s recommendation of online courses and community engagement for learning and advancing in this field. Overall, a great resource for anyone looking to kickstart their journey into full stack web development.

  5. As I scan the online world for remote freelance opportunities, I can’t help but notice the amount of opportunities available to full-stack developers. They are offered good salaries, flexible schedules, and great career development. At some point, I had toyed with the idea of a career change to becoming a full-stack developer, but I came to the conclusion that the journey would be too long and the process too difficult – until I read this post. You set out a clear and self-paced path that has rekindled my interest and is making me seriously consider taking the plunge. Thank you, Jordan.


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