Is Functional Programming Worth Learning?

There are a lot of jargon words in tech, and it is tough to understand them when you start software engineering or any IT profession. Words like functional, object-oriented, procedural, and dynamic programming are enough to make your head spin and intimidate you. Is functional programming worth learning?

Is Functional Programming Worth Learning? - Hero

I chose Javascript to give you this intro because it has a low learning curve and is one of the best web development languages.

Functional programming is a programming paradigm that is popular in the software engineering world. It is a broad topic, and there have been many books about the subject and hours upon hours of youtube videos.

I am not a programming expert; no one is. Functional programming has critical concepts and methods crucial to understanding to help your programming career.

I want to give you a foundation for the core concepts of functional programming.

Why I Like Functional Programming

One of the main reasons I love functional programming, which is one reason many people love functional programming, is that functional programming is not mutable. What the heck does that mean?

If you are coding functionally, the state should be mutable, meaning the data should not change.

Immutable Data Types

Some data types are immutable in Javascript, strings, and numbers. I will give you an example of this below.


You can see here that the original data inside the variable did not change, which means the data type is inherently immutable.

Is Functional Programming Worth Learning? - String


Numbers are also an immutable data type.

The data in num1 and the num2 variables don’t change.

Is Functional Programming Worth Learning? - numbers

But what are mutable data types?

Mutable Data Types

  1. Arrays
  2. Objects


By nature, Arrays do change state.

Is Functional Programming Worth Learning? - Array

You would expect the same output here as in the previous examples because you use the same syntax, but the original Array changes.


Objects act the same way as Arrays.

Is Functional Programming Worth Learning? -  OBJ

You want to keep track of the initial state so that it is easier to debug. It would be nice if we could see the original state.

How to Achieve Immutability

Let me introduce you to some magic. You may even become the Harry Potter of programming. Immutability in programming sounds like something they would make in the potions class in Harry Potter.

Immutability in Arrays

Let me give you an example of immutability for Arrays.

ES 6 introduced us to the spread operator. The spread operator is magical three dots that spread in the original data.

Is Functional Programming Worth Learning? - Spread

Oh my gosh! This is cool! I bet I rocked your socks off. When I got taught this, my socks were rocked off too. My socks had holes, so I didn’t care that they were rocked off. I have since gotten new socks. So, I am no longer holy… lousy pun.

You can also use the spread operator to make array methods, push, pop, splice, shift, unshift, reverse, and sort, mutable.

Immutable Array Functions


Map() brings back an array without altering the initial Array and manipulates the new Array based on conditions. I have included an example below.

Is Functional Programming Worth Learning? - Map
  1. const array1 = [1, 4, 9, 16] – We initialize a new array stored in the Javascript program memory.
  2. const map1 = => x * 2); – Make a new array containing all the elements multiplied by two from the original Array
  3. console.log(array1); – This prints out [ 1, 4, 9, 16 ]
  4. console.log(map1); – This prints out the elements of the new Array [ 2, 8, 18, 32 ]


Filter () gives us a new array without modifying the old Array and returns certain array elements based on conditional logic.

Is Functional Programming Worth Learning? - Filter
  1. const array1 = [1, 4, 9, 16] – We initialize a new array stored in the Javascript program memory.
  2. const filterArray = array1.filter((x) => x > 2); – Make a new array containing all the elements greater than two from the original Array
  3. console.log(array1); – This prints out [ 1, 4, 9, 16 ]
  4. console.log(filterArray); – This prints out the elements of the new Array [ 4, 9, 16 ]


Reduce manipulates each element and gets one output. For example, consider the following.

Is Functional Programming Worth Learning? - Reduce
  1. const array1 = [1, 4, 9, 16] – We initialize a new array stored in the Javascript program memory.
    1. const filterArray = array1.reduce((acc, curr) => acc + curr); – Returns the sum of all the elements in the Array. Internally this function loops through every element in the Array. Since there are four elements, it loops four times. acc stores the rolling sum, and curr symbolizes the current element of the loop.1st loop, acc is 0, curr is 1. acc becomes 1 because 0 +1 = 1.
    2. 2nd loop, acc is 1, curr is 4. curr becomes 5 because 1 + 4 = 5.
    3. 3rd loop, acc is 5 and curr is 9. acc becomes 14 because 5 + 9 = 14.
    4. 4th loop, acc is 14, and curr is 16. acc becomes 30 because 14 + 16 = 30.
    5. Since we can’t loop anymore, reduceArray is 30 because curr returns 30.
  2. console.log(array1); – This prints out [ 1, 4, 9, 16 ]
  3. console.log(reduceArray); – This prints out the value of reduceArray, which is now 30.

Immutability in Objects

Objects are mutable too.

Is Functional Programming Worth Learning? - Immutable Objects

Do you feel like a wizard yet? Javascript made a lot of improvements with ES6 to mimic pure functional programming languages like Scala.

What amazing things can you do with this newfound knowledge?


Recursion abstracts away a loop and calls the function within the function, like programming inception. In functional programming, we use recursion instead of a loop.

Is Functional Programming Worth Learning?  - Recursion

Understanding what is happening here takes a lot of work to get your head around. For me, recursion was the most complicated concept of functional programming.

FreeCodeCamp has an excellent article that helps you understand recursion.

What You Can Do With Functional Javascript

I love Javascript’s great library with many functional concepts to it, React. One of React’s state management systems, Redux, is entirely functional. I have used React and Redux in almost all of my projects, and this is just an example of a library you can use that relies on functional programming in Javascript.

Understanding the differences between functional and object-oriented programming can also offer insights into why certain paradigms might be more suitable for specific types of projects.

To incorporate more in-depth examples that showcase the strengths of functional programming (FP), it’s essential to demonstrate scenarios where FP concepts directly address common software development challenges. Below are detailed examples emphasizing state management, code readability, and performance enhancement:

Simplifying State Management in Large-Scale Applications

Example Context: Consider a web application managing a complex user interface with multiple components needing shared state access, such as a dashboard displaying user analytics, notifications, and real-time data feeds.

FP Solution: Utilize the Redux library (inspired by functional programming principles) for state management in a React application. Redux employs a single immutable state tree and pure functions (reducers) to manage changes in state, making the state predictable and easier to debug.

Code Snippet Example:

// Reducer function
const analyticsReducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
    switch (action.type) {
        case 'UPDATE_DATA':
            // Utilizes immutability by returning a new state object
            return {
                analyticsData: action.payload
        // Add other cases as needed
            return state;

// Action to update analytics data
const updateAnalyticsData = (data) => ({
    type: 'UPDATE_DATA',
    payload: data

Explanation: The reducer function takes the current state and an action, then returns a new state based on the action type without mutating the original state. This functional approach simplifies debugging and testing, as state changes are predictable and traceable.

Improving Code Readability with Functional Composition

Example Context: Processing a list of transactions to extract a specific subset, calculate totals, and apply currency formatting.

FP Solution: Use functional composition to create a pipeline of operations, each function taking input from the previous one, transforming the data step by step in a readable manner.

Code Snippet Example:

const transactions = [/* array of transaction objects */];

const filterByCategory = (transactions, category) => 
    transactions.filter(t => t.category === category);

const sumAmounts = (transactions) => 
    transactions.reduce((acc, curr) => acc + curr.amount, 0);

const formatCurrency = (amount) => `$${amount.toFixed(2)}`;

// Compose functions to process transactions
const totalSpentInCategoryFormatted = (transactions, category) =>
            filterByCategory(transactions, category)

console.log(totalSpentInCategoryFormatted(transactions, 'Groceries'));

Explanation: This example demonstrates how breaking down operations into small, reusable functions and chaining them together improves code readability and maintenance. Each function does one thing and does it well, adhering to the FP principle of pure functions.

Next Steps

I recommend you dive into this trendy paradigm. Functional programming has been around for years but has become a hot topic recently. FreeCodeCamp has a topic in their curriculum about functional programming in Javascript. You will likely find Youtube videos to supplement your learning on the subject.

I have a few questions that I would love to hear your feedback on.

  1. What is your experience with functional programming?
  2. What is your favorite part of functional programming?
  3. What are other key concepts essential to consider?

And if you’re pondering the foundational skills necessary in this field, our article on whether developers should test their own code discusses a crucial aspect of software development that complements functional programming knowledge.

Share my article on social media and follow me on Twitter for extra content.

9 thoughts on “Is Functional Programming Worth Learning?”

  1. Hi Jordan,
    My experience with functional programming has been a bit like trying to ride a bike for the first time—wobbly at first but exciting once you get the hang of it. Quick question: Do you think functional programming concepts are becoming more mainstream in software development, or is it still considered a niche skill? Thank you for your work and for sharing this magical (pun intended) insight!

    Best regards,

    • Your journey with functional programming mirrors the experiences of many in the software development world, transitioning from initial challenges to a thrilling mastery of concepts. Indeed, functional programming is gaining traction, moving from a specialized skill to a mainstream asset in the developer’s toolkit, much like mastering a new language that broadens your horizons and enhances your problem-solving capabilities.

  2. This blog post provides a comprehensive overview of functional programming, highlighting its benefits and key concepts using JavaScript. The emphasis on immutability and functional composition showcases its relevance in modern software development.

    Have you encountered challenges with mutable state in your programming projects? How do you think adopting functional programming principles could improve your workflow?

    Understanding the trade-offs between mutable and immutable data structures can be pivotal in designing robust and maintainable software systems. What strategies do you employ to manage state effectively in your projects?

    • I use React and Redux for state management. Redux has all the functional concept. Functional is best when you need to test, because testing is easier in functional programming rather than object oriented programming.

  3. Hi Jordan, 

    The benefits of functional programming are discussed, offering a thorough understanding of its tenets, immutability, and recursion in particular, as well as practical JavaScript applications. This investigation raises my question: How does functional programming’s immutability affect debugging and performance in large-scale applications? What essential factors should developers consider when incorporating functional programming principles into already-existing object-oriented codebases, especially in light of the trend toward functional programming in contemporary frameworks like React with Redux for state management?

    • Immunity makes tasks such as debugging very easy in case of large applications under the roof of functional programming, as it assures predictable data states with a few unexpected mistakes. However, care needs to be observed for the bloated memory use, because in immutability, a new object gets created on each change of data. Embrace functional programming in all areas it will offer the most value, including the use of React with Redux in state management, to further enhance the code’s predictability and maintainability without disrupting the existing codebases.

  4. Hey Jordan,

    As a fellow programmer, I found this insightful article on the worth of learning functional programming to be eye-opening. Functional programming has truly been a game-changer for me. It challenges traditional approaches, promotes cleaner and more maintainable code, and encourages a more declarative style. 

    The initial learning curve is worth it for the benefits it brings to problem-solving and code quality. Investing time in learning functional programming is a valuable endeavour that expands programming horizons and enhances versatility as a developer. 

    Thank you for addressing this topic and providing valuable insights!


  5. Just breezed through your article on whether functional programming is worth learning, and man, it’s a breath of fresh air in the tech world! The big takeaway for me is that it’s all about immutability and how it’s like the holy grail in functional programming. It’s like you’re saying, “Hey, once you go immutable, you never go back,” and that’s a game-changer.

    Now, here’s something I want to get your opinion on. If immutability is such a powerhouse in functional programming, why isn’t it the default behavior in more programming languages? Are we missing out, or is there a hidden cost to this magical concept? Your thoughts?

    • I think immutability is great and relieves the headache of debugging. It is magical and is a developers best friend. It would be great if it was.

      Immutability isn’t the default in many programming languages largely due to historical design choices and the balance between performance and memory management. The flexibility offered by mutable states suits a wide array of programming paradigms and application needs, often making it more intuitive for certain tasks. However, immutability’s adoption is tempered by concerns over memory overhead and the complexity it introduces in managing data transformations.


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