Unveiling the Power of Team Collaboration in Tech

Welcome, and thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read this.

One of the top careers in the world today is tech, particularly software engineering. If you’re interested in joining a software engineering team or pursuing a career in the field, you’ve come to the correct place. After reading this article, hopefully you will take some of my experiences and learn some tips on how to become a better software developer.

Software programming is a rapidly growing field. I have read that the field is growing 22% from 2019 to 2029. What a better time to get in the field. You have made an awesome choice to embark on your software engineering journey.

Team Collaboration in Tech-Intro

Traditional education just doesn’t give you the practical knowledge that an online coding school does. Universities give you more theoretical knowledge than practical knowledge. Conversely, a boot camp or online coding school provides more practical knowledge than theoretical knowledge. The bootcamp I went to, Lambda School, now BloomTech, aimed to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge.

I have done a lot of research on boot camps and online coding schools, and they all lack the same thing: they don’t really teach you computer science, but BloomTech did. I would like to tell you about a little project I worked on at the end of my education at BloomTech. If you click that Wikipedia page, you will read loads of controversy that happened there. Even at that, I did learn quite a bit.

Project Overview

I was on a team of 3 other web developers and 2 UX designers. We made a platform that simulated a marketplace where businesses can sign up for an account and then post items for sale.

Initially, I worked on the back end in Node, getting the API working. I worked very closely with another developer that was designing the database schema.

Team Collaboration in Tech-Project

Although I got all the API endpoints working correctly when I plugged them into Postman, which manually tests all the API endpoints, it would’ve been better if we initially automated the tests; that way, if anything changed, we wouldn’t take forever to dig into the code to find the bug.

When that was completed, I helped out on the front end side of things. I really like the front end because it is very visual, and I love visual things. The front end was done in React.

For our styling library, we used a different library than what I was familiar with. I have never heard of Ant Design before. However, I was able to dive into the docs and make a lot of the components functional.

Breaking Down Problems

My team used an online organizational tool called Trello. This is used to write the user stories, which is what the user wants to be able to do in the app.

The developer gets assigned a user story and has to problem-solve in their coding environment about how to best solve that problem. Trello is like a giant to-do list. We use Trello so the developers don’t unintentionally work on something that another developer is working on.

I have pasted an example of the Trello card I was working on for the front end. This Trello card solves the user story that has the specific business posting a product to sell. I had to design the components around the wireframes that the UX designer gave me.

Learning Points

This part can be boring, but planning is a necessary part of the process, especially when you have a UX designer or any other members besides web developers.

If everyone immediately began working with the code, there would be a lack of consensus, leading to a disastrous outcome for the entire product.

Team Collaboration in Tech-Learning

Communication is another part that is necessary. When you get a job, employers really value your communication skills. Do you ask for help when you’re stuck?

If you spend the whole day on a problem and you don’t ask for help, a lot of project managers will probably get mad. This is very expensive and not efficient at all. However, the developer must address the issue of determining the boundary between requesting assistance and excessive assistance.

Fortunately, our team communication was really good. We communicated via Slack and Zoom and didn’t really have any problems with each other. Although when problems arise, it is important to get everyone’s perspective on the issue.

With a TEAM, Together Everyone Achieves More.


Hopefully, if you read the whole article, you are excited about entering the field of software development and working on a team. I know this is one of the most exciting things in software development, in my opinion.

Top tech companies in the US are requiring less and less university degrees. I don’t know about the rest of the world. In fact, I have heard of multiple stories of people getting a software developer job without a degree. Crazy, huh? The times certainly are changing, because 20 years ago you needed a degree.

If you are looking for more education in this field, there are numerous paths you can take.


Thank you for reading my blog. Please come with any questions, share this article on your social media, and subscribe for my latest updates.

If you like this article, check out the other articles I have written on my website.

Team Collaboration in Tech- conclusion

I do have a few questions I would like you to answer, though.

  • What experiences do you have in technology?
  • What do you find is vital for working in a team environment?
  • How have you solved issues with your past teammates?

Any other thoughts you would like to share? Let me know below.

And remember, piranhas don’t eat bananas. See you next time.

6 thoughts on “Unveiling the Power of Team Collaboration in Tech”

  1. Hey you made a great point here in the value of time. Every damn second counts. Especially in tech work. So like you said having a good team with good rapport is the solution. Working with good people makes life so much easier and getting help quick can make all the difference. Have a good day. 

  2. I enjoyed reading the post because it touched on some serious matters that are relatable to me.

     In my previous company, we had to use Salesforce to schedule our workload due to miscommunication and laziness on some staff members’ part. This often led to confusion and overlapping tasks. Some team members didn’t show up for work or failed to complete assigned tasks.

    While I appreciate the convenience of technology, I feel that it has made some people complacent and they don’t develop their communication skills to the level that is required in most companies today. I believe that teamwork and reliability are the keys to success in any field, be it professional sports or a corporate setting. 

    Thank you for writing this post. I will share it with my like-minded friends and family.

  3. Jordan, thank you for sharing your insightful journey in the tech world, especially highlighting the power of team collaboration. Your experiences at Bloom Tech and the project overview provide valuable insights into the practical aspects of software development. Emphasizing the importance of communication and planning in a team environment resonates well with the collaborative nature of tech projects. Your Trello example and emphasis on problem-solving showcase the intricate yet rewarding aspects of being a software developer. Overall, your article is a valuable resource for those aspiring to enter the field of software development. Well done!

  4. Hello Jordan,

    Thanks for sharing your insights on team collaboration in tech!

    Your journey through BloomTech sounds like an eye-opener, especially highlighting the importance of practical knowledge and the bridge between theoretical education and real-world application.

    The project overview you provided gives a great glimpse into the dynamics of a tech team and the different roles involved, from backend development to UX design. It’s interesting to see how you tackled challenges like manual testing and adapting to new libraries like Ant Design.

    Your emphasis on communication and planning resonates strongly with me. In my experience, clear communication channels and effective planning are indeed vital for smooth collaboration within a team. It’s refreshing to hear how your team utilized tools like Trello and Slack to stay organized and maintain open lines of communication.

    Regarding your questions:

    Vital aspects of working in a team: Apart from communication and planning, I believe mutual respect and a willingness to learn from one another are crucial for fostering a productive team environment.

    Handling issues with past teammates: Open and honest dialogue has always been a good approach to resolving conflicts or issues with teammates. Addressing concerns promptly and seeking common ground usually led to constructive outcomes.

    Overall, your article provides valuable insights for aspiring software developers and Technology enthusiasts like myself. Looking forward to reading more of your work!

    All the Best,


  5. This article brings up some crucial points about team collaboration, especially in tech. I’m curious how companies can effectively balance the need for collaboration with the necessity of deep work, which often requires solitude. Are there strategies or tools that have proven effective in harmonizing these seemingly opposing needs? How do teams ensure that collaboration enhances rather than disrupts productivity?

    • Implementing specific collaboration times and utilizing tools like Slack can minimize distractions, allowing for focused individual work. Additionally, fostering a culture that values uninterrupted work periods, supported by both open and private workspaces, is crucial for productivity. Regular adjustments based on team feedback will ensure this balance effectively supports innovation and efficiency.


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